Deters, Rebecca

Dec. 20, 1977 - Oct. 23, 2000

Rebecca DetersWheatland, Iowa

Through our tears, we remember Rebecca’s smile. She loved to spend time with her friends, family and dog, Suzie. She always had a hug for everyone. She also loved a thrill. She participated in the Bix 7, a 7 mile walk/run marathon, and once rode her bike on trails with her father in an annual event called Ride the River. When she was 15, she had the ultimate thrill of driving her mother’s car alone—without a license or any prior experience. We couldn’t believe it when we caught a glimpse of her behind the wheel, navigating a narrow street with a big smile on her face.

Rebecca was born Dec. 20, 1977, in Davenport, Iowa. She was active despite having HSS and graduated from Davenport North High School in June, 1996. But HSS also cut her life short.

Rebecca was hospitalized last May with pneumonia and fought respiratory problems from that time on. She was hospitalized three more times, and each time her condition worsened with additional complications. Rebecca lost the battle on Oct. 23, 2000, when she died of pneumonia and sepsis with respiratory failure.

Remembering Rebecca’s smile will always warm our hearts, and those who loved her will always be inspired by the courage with which she reached out to hold the hands of angels. We know this disease is so different in everyone but we have found that, as parents, we all share the feeling that these children are all special “angels.” They are sent to us to love unconditionally forever.

We are grateful to those who helped up through the rough spots, especially Rebecca’s respite caregiver, Diane Hamm. She gave such loving care to Rebecca we came to consider her as part of our family.

The past months have been filled with emptiness and a lot of tearful anger. But as Rebecca’s family—her parents, sister, Jennifer, and brother, Shawn—we know we will be reunited together some day. When that time comes, Rebecca will be able to speak to us, hold our hands and walk again with us together in a pain-free heaven.

- James and Sharon Deters family



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